Home Activities for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder

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Home Activities for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder
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Hey there! If you’re a parent of a child with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), you know how important it is to create a supportive environment at home.

Sensory experiences can be overwhelming for some kids, but with the right approach, we can make the world a less scary and more manageable place for them.

Basic Principles to Remember:

  • Every child is unique, so not all activities will work for your little one. Pay attention to what they enjoy and what makes them uncomfortable.
  • If your child is scared or upset by something, don’t force them to do it. Their reactions are real and valid.
  • Children with SPD may fluctuate between sensitivity and seeking certain sensations. It’s all part of their unique wiring!
  • Some kids crave intense sensory experiences, while others find them overwhelming. Think about what helps your child feel calm and focused.

Incorporating Sensory Activities into Daily Life:

Incorporating Sensory Disorder Friendly Activities into Daily Life

  • Bath Time: Try different soaps and lotions, play with shaving cream on the wall, or give a deep massage with lotion after the bath.
  • Meal Preparation: Let your child mix ingredients, roll dough, or tenderize meat with a mallet. It’s a great workout for those muscles!
  • Grocery Shopping: Have your child push the cart (if it’s not too heavy) and help with carrying groceries.
  • Mealtime: Encourage chewy foods and using a straw. A weighted lap blanket can also help.
  • Household Chores: Let your child help with vacuuming, moving furniture, or gardening.
  • Playtime: Create obstacle courses, play the sandwich game (pressure between pillows), or enjoy activities like swimming, horseback riding, or bowling.
  • Errands and Appointments: Try deep massages before visits or provide sensory-friendly tools like weighted hats or chewy foods.

General Guidelines for Home Life:

  • Keep routines and possessions organized.
  • Be consistent with rules and consequences.
  • Use an activity schedule or calendar.
  • Create routines for tough times of day.
  • Talk to your child about upcoming changes in routine.
  • Use sensory preferences as rewards, but avoid taking away movement activities as punishment.

Remember, it’s all about finding what works best for your child and making home life as comfortable and supportive as possible. You’ve got this!

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